Mona Lisa Reimagined

A fellow illustrator, Erik Maell, contacted me last year saying he was putting together a book featuring the many ways Mona Lisa had been reinterpreted over the years. He asked if he could use one of my paintings and I said “sure.”

It’s just been published. Below is the spread, featuring my painting (the full page on the right). I was hoping he’d use my Meowna Lisa which has a cat in place of the woman, but he already had another painting using a cat, so we decided to go with this one instead. Click on it to see a larger version.

It’s a fun book with over 250 clever and wild interpretations of Leonardo’s famous painting.

Just to be clear: I’m not selling this and I make no money off any sales. But if you’d like to buy the book you can purchase it on Amazon by CLICKING HERE.